I wonder, will I ever be tagged? What will it feel like? Will I know it? Social Bookmarking just another search engine. It just uses users tags to sort the web sites into catagories. I see no real difference between google and Del.icio.us other than the users do the sorting. I found the best way to search through tags was to use the "search tags" option where I was able to type in the words I wanted. It lead to a few dead ends, but it was a more of a self driven search other than the generic search box at the top of the site. I equate to a reverse game of 21 questions, instead of asking questions to solve what the object is you tell it word by word what you are searching for. Which leads to the question on who is tagging what? I am curious what the tagging options are for web sites. I guess I will learn that in #14!
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