I would have sworn I commented on this thing, but apparently I didn't. (This raises a question to be addressed?) Once again choices bogged me down. I decided to follow some comic blogs and a few sports blogs. I picked blogs from "professional" bloggers: ESPN, Fox Sports, CBSportsline. I have no real interest in what Bob from Boise thinks about his Bobcats. The professionals give you a wider variety of blogs and topics.
The new question? What about miss placed "assignments"? How can we verify if a student really did turn in an assignment digitally? Any key stroke could send it into cyber-limbo. If a student insists that he did the work and posted it, but it is not there can we verify what he is saying? There are glitches in all systems and they could misplace a file very easily. Would it be redundant to require a hard copy of an assignment as well as a digital copy?
Maybe students could keep one Word document where they compose their posts, organized chronologically by date. Once they are done editing and spell checking, they can copy and paste their entry into the posting text box. That way, they have a record of everything they have posted for a particular class for easy reference.
ReplyDeleteSeƱor Roberts, I caution you to take a bit more time to find a good sports blog, my personal favorite is mgoblog.com. The writer is the definition of a fanatic and his research and writing compels me to waste much time reading. I am sure you can find a similar one for Da Bears.