I tried some of the tools listed and I did not care for them. They were slow and did not respond the way I wanted them to. I do not care for mind maps, I never got the hang of them and my mind is so jumbled I can't follow them. I use my yahoo calendar for daily reminders and things far in the future, so I would not use "remember the milk". With "LibraryThing" I can see it being used as a classroom discussion tool, but I can see students using it to steal other people's ideas and thoughts making it so they dont' have to read the book themselves (maybe I am too pessamistic on some these applications). The "LibraryThing" could be used if you are an avid reader to review books before you by them. If you find some fellow readers who seem to share you point of view you could limit the number of "bad" books you buy. I did use ZOHO to make a small presentation and I have decided that I prefer my PowerPoint program. If I did not have Microsoft Office or if my work computer did not have it I would spend more time, because it is slower and I am unfamiliar with it, learning ZOHO to make me more productive with it. Once again I wonder if these applications are blocked at school? If they are sluggish on my home computer, how sluggish would the be on our school system?
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